Strategies designed by Dr. Jack Barnathan for Elite Executive / Gold Medal / Pro Athletes / Fitness Professionals
8 CEU Credits (*Fitness Professionals / Wellness / Training Pro’s)
Master the system Dr. Jack Barnathan has developed through decades of serving many of the best athletes / performing artists on earth. The same program he presented at the home of a President of the United States for the Chief Executive, his family and staff - and the following day for the family of another U.S. President.
Clear steps and precise form to “coax” personal transformation, energy, enduring power and performance for your “physical design.™” Leave behind the fads that “brutalize” the body into a never-ending cortisol / stress hormone disaster, or waste your time with an hour of distraction / entertainment masquerading as a workout.
Designed for “peak performing individual” including Top Executives and elite Athletes, along with the Fitness Design Pro’s who guide them.
Includes physical design / meal craft / prep and recover ‘rituals,’ along with a one year subscription to Dr. Barnathan’s Private online “Muscle of the Month” updates for Executive Muscle Mastery students only.
♦️8 CEU’s - $99♦️