
LECTUREs & keynote speaker

Dr. Jack Barnathan in his extensive carrer he has given thousand of lectures and was a guest speaker i.a. at The White House, The Kennedy Space Center, NASA TV, The Trump Spa at Mar-a-Lago, The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, NBA New York City Event, The Los Angeles “Muscle Mastery” Symposium, The Chicago Wellness Coaching Conference, The International Sports Sciences Association, The New York City Sports Alliance, Wall Street Coporations among many others. He has advised legends of sports, fitness, the performing arts, and executives from leading corporations on his unique strategy for creating profound change and lasting transformation.

Dr. Barnathan conceived and presented the first ever conference on "Space Exploration - Fitness Innovations" at the Kennedy Space Center with an audience of space scientists, training professionals, astronauts and the chief medical officer of NASA in attendance. He is the creator and host of the first ever National Symposium of Fitness Councils in New York, for the President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, as well as, a co-founder of an annual major National Symposium on Natural Fitness, which is a significant annual educational event for over 25 years.

He lectures on a varity of topics and audiences: from educational institutions, major coperations and to indviduals for one-on-one sessions.

Dr. Jack, you work has made such a powerful impact on individuals of all ages. Your leadership at the seminars you created at the Arnold Schwarzenegger Fitness Festival is outstanding, and your talks are always one of the highlights of the weekend for me. I am proud to know you.
— Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Dr.Barnathan is ‘The Strenght Doctor’
— Muscle & Fitness Magazine
Dear Dr. Barnathan:
First, thank you for completely changing my life!
Your seminars leading up to my being awarded Master Trainer Status have completely impacted everything I do - both personally and professionally! Beyond all the knowledge I’ve gained is the inspiration you touch all your students with. You help us understand how our work is so much more than we ever understood before. I’ll always be grateful.
— Staci Boyer - Bestselling Author
The addition of your world-renowned expertise as a consultant is enthusiastically welcomed. We are honored to have you. ‘The Strenght Doctor’ join us to continue the excellence that the Trump Spa is known for and help us make our mark as one of the greatest spas to be found anywhere in the world
— Donald Trump's Mar-a-lago Spa
Your tremendous accomplishments in the fitness industry will be of great value in developing our new health and fitness focus
— The Miss Universe | Miss USA Organization


He designs for each client unique tools essential for profound change and standard setting excellence that drives inspired, lasting success. His unique system defines a fresh approach to exceptional service and the success that follows.

Selected lectures list include: The White House (Celebration of National Physical Fitness Day), The National Symposium on Natural Fitness with annual keynote Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Trump Spa at Mar-a-Lag (as a consultant and special guest speaker introducing his “Muscle, Mind & More™” approach to Fitness Design for the Trump Spa, Arnold Schwarzenegger VIP Training Seminar (Repeat Expert Presenter), The Kennedy Space Center Expert Presenter on Space Exploration (Fitness Innovation), NASA TV (Presentation on training insights for Extreme Environments), The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (Host & a Presenter for the first ever National Symposium of Fitness Councils), The New York City Sports Alliance (Board Member& Speaker on olympic sport training), Colorado University Sports Department (Lecturer on Personal Training and awarded with Gold Medal for Educational Contributions), The New York Chiropractic College (graduation commencement speaker on four occasions), Post Graduate Faculty (Guest Lecturer), Life University, The New York City Police Department (guest lecturer on fitness opportunities for officers wounded in the line of duty), The Olympia Fitness Festival (expert presenter on advanced fitness innovations), Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Charity: The After-School Allstars, The International Sports Sciences Association (Professor and Director of Fitness Sciences leading certification workshops across the United States), NBA New York City “Spring Fling” Event  (Presenter with special demonstrations of new fitness strategies for children), The American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine (Invited as a guest speaker the the annual Chicago Conference), The New York City Conference on “Peak Performance Living” (Creator of the event and keynote speaker), The Los Angeles “Muscle Mastery” three day symposium (Creator and Lecturer for a ground breaking conference on personal and professional peak living), The Chicago Wellness Coaching Conference (Creator & lead speaker for one of the firstlife-style industry’s wellness certificate program for physicians and fitness professionals), The Annual Boston “Art of Inspired Cuisine” certificate program (Creator and Instructor with Master Chef Don Doward), Executive Life | Style | Design Seminar (Creator and presented on for a major corporate board on Wall Street), Peak Power and Performance Symposiu (Creator and keynote, sponsored by Met-Rx Nutrition and New York Chiropractic College), The Expert Consultant in Life | Style | Desig (Conference and certificate program in New York City), The Annual New York Luxury LifeStyle Conference (Founder and keynote).

Dr. Barnathan is as well a Board Member for New York and expert presenter for community development. Sports doctor on call for over 100 pro and Olympic sports events, stage and major motion pictures.

The core of Dr. Jack Barnathan's unique system lies in his ability to find, fine tune and engage what he refers to as "unique strengths." When properly focused, they will drive the success people deserve through exceptional service, shared with a thoughtful yet powerful Branding and Marketing message.

Your efforts profoundly influence the life of our community and are a shining example for us all
— The Certificate of Merit- Presented by President of United States George W. Bush

Consult with Dr. Jack Barnathan to...

  • Develope your “Brand” - the foundation that defines who and what you are and stand for.  And, doing so in a way that establishes you as you as absolutely unique, and one of a kind (therefore, irreplaceable) to the market that needs you most.  If you do not find and fine tune your brand, nothing else can follow.
  • Create the direction and change necessary for a lasting achievement and success.  
  • Corporate Excellence in focusing your message with your employees playing a powerful role in defining you to the market you need to reach.  Employ training and motivational/educational support for exceptional client service is available.
  • Designing your Book, Web Presence, Lecture Programs, Educational Information etc. to best share your unique best to that market that truly needs you the most.
  • Receive an Exceptional Support in Personal Transformation.  Change your image and services to position yourself as centered, certain and strong in representing your brand and service.  Especially effective for the entrepreneur seeking to change the image and scope of service for both themselves, and their business.  One of a kind support from our international Experts & Artisans™ is available to guide you in this important step, including guidance from world champion athletes / Master of Fitness Design Honorees, Chefs who cooked for Julia Child, personal style and design experts known world-wide for their artistry, and more.
  • To create an Event / Workshop Design:  Dr. Barnathan can bring any of his acclaimed workshops and events to your facility and even craft a unique program for your staff or clients (or both) to add his authority and accomplishment to your marketing and educational programs.  An invaluable took for growth.

If you have any additional questions, we are happy to answer them for you. E-mail us at contact@drjackbarnathan.com or call our office at (+1) 212-710-4337.