How Warren Buffett, Amazon & J.P. Morgan Chase will change health care, wellness & more…
Warren Buffett
JP Morgan Chase
Together they want to change health care and have both intrigued, and freightened a lot of people this week with their announcement.
By proposing a non-profit “corporate health care” that would cut costs and improve services, they have already caused the stock of many health insurance providers to drop - and I’m predicting - will cause my insurer (and maybe yours) to blame this as part of the “political uncertainty” when they raise rates again (as mine jumped by 25% this month because of political “uncertainty” this year).
Here’s my analysis - which I’m opening to the public (normally this would just be for consulting clients ONLY).
- The driving force behind this is Warren Buffett, who is vehemently against the current administration's policies, including their vague attempts at health care. You have to understand the man to understand where he wants to go, and he is the most successful investor in generations
- Bezos wants to build Amazon into as close to a monopoly in many unique and unexpected arenas as possible, and has the money, and drive to do so. But I can’t see this as his “baby”
- J.P. Morgan Chase needs some good publicity and like the above, has a huge ability to fund a project like this - and it could be a strong way for them to “restart” their brand in a positive light which it hasn’t had in years
It will certainly change health care. Warren Buffett is the most successful investor of this age, with a personal worth of over 92 Billion Dollars - but has based all his investing on “value.” And he is frugal, still living in the same home he bought in the 1950’s in Omaha. And he has pledged to give away 99% of his wealth to charities and convinced other Billionaires to do the same. Mike Bloomberg and the founder of Facebook to name two.
So the question is, will he consider “wellness” a value-based investment?
Nutrition, as it is, being marketed in one confusing form or another with so many conflicting ideas?
Massage Therapy?
Will Chiropractic finally be seen as the key to a unique power for healing, based upon it’s impact upon the nervous system which no other professional in health care can claim? Or, will it become just another vague “therapy.” (I argue it’s power can drive it to new heights of acceptance and referral, but will Warren Buffett see it that way?
What their program includes or excludes will dramatically change health care - I have no doubt. Under the previous administration, Buffett wasn’t shy in expressing his enthusiasm for a national program that included all. He is clearly showing his commitment was not political; it’s a determined idea.
And how fitness, wellness, recovery, renewal, rehab etc define themselves NOW will make a big difference.
It’s time to create a clear communication of value inherent within your profession and speak it clearly, and consistently.
Otherwise, your profession could be swallowed up by one “frugal therapy” system that these three giants may decide to create/consolidate the whole “wellness” arena in. And I’m not seeing this as good for anyone.
Personally, I see this as an opportunity for the leaders I know and teach through my work. For colleagues in these professions who are driving hard for a new acceptance and enthusiasm for the deeper meaning behind their art and science.
I hope you do too.
Get enthusiastic about your best and get sharing it with the world,
Dr. Jack Barnathan, B.B.A., D.C., F.A.C.C., CFT, MFS, MSS, CET, SSN (ISSA)
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