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Luxe Inspiré

Luxé Inspire™

Consulting for the Luxury / High-Net-Worth Market

Presented by Dr. Jack Barnathan / Esprit Inspiré™ / NYStrength Inc

Lotte New York Palace Hotel The Corner Penthouse used by President’s of the United States and other world leaders when addressing the United Nations (steps away)

This Ground-Breaking12 CEU hr Workshop includes the FIRST EVER Prestige Wellness Certificate™ as module one of the NEW Certification as a Consultant in Transformational Luxury - AN INDUSTRY FIRST

Friday 7 pm - 9:30 pm

Champagne Reception / Networking / Introductions (limited to first 25 registrants)

Saturday 8 am - Noon

How to dominate your specialty, presenting work that’s INVALUABLE to an Upscale Market / High-Net-Worth Individuals - Transforming YOUR product / service / insights into a powerful NEW “Luxury” itself, enhanced by a remarkable ability: THE POWER TO TRANSFORM

Saturday 1 pm - 4 pm

Opportunities for “Luxury” to invest / develop: FRESH, NEW MARKETS / Luxury Experts and Artisans / Educators / Individuals of Influence in social media and beyond / Upscale products & services... MASTER THE ART of becoming an investible resource for the LUXURY MARKET / High Net-Worth Individuals. Experts and Artisans™ representing FRESH, DIVERSE specialties and consulting opportunities including, but not limited to Fitness Design™, Life-Style-Design™, Prestige Wellness™ and many more products / services / influential leaders

$99 - 12 CEU Credits (Fitness Professionals) LAST SEATS!!!

You may attend LIVE in NYC (LIMITED SEATING) with 4 virtual added, or all virtual / recorded = 12 ceu’s for Fitness Professionals

Counts as Module One of the New Luxury Life-Style Consulting Certification


SPECIAL PRIVATE SUNDAY BREAKFAST STRATEGY SESSION for members of Dr. Jack Barnathan’s consulting community only